Summer 2025 Courses

This page shows all courses currently scheduled for Summer Session 2025.  For complete course details and enrollment information, click on the course in the listing below, or check the Student Administration system.

Last Refreshed: 25-MAR-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Link Session Campus Subj Cat # Sect Course Title Credits Instruction Mode Instructor Prereq? Content Area Notes Enrollment
SS1 Storrs AAAS 3531 310 Japanese Americans and World War II 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Reardon, Tina CA1, CA4, TOI3, TOI5 5/9
SS1 Storrs ACCT 2001 010 Principles of Financial Accounting 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Fernandez Varela, Carlos 10/30
SS2 Storrs ACCT 2001 020 Principles of Financial Accounting 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Fernandez Varela, Carlos 6/30
AS1 Storrs ACCT 2001 070 Principles of Financial Accounting 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Cansler, Suzanne 19/30
SS1 Storrs ACCT 2101 010 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Murphy, Francis 8/25
SS2 Storrs ACCT 2101 020 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Murphy, Hugh 1/25
AS1 Storrs ACCT 3201 070 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Florian, Katherine 3/25
AS1 Storrs ACCT 3202 070 Intermediate Accounting II 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Florian, Katherine 8/25
SSP Storrs ACCT 4881 060 Internship in Accounting 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Plesko, George 0/50
SS1 Storrs AH 2001 010 Medical Terminology 2.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Rochester, Janet 17/40
SS2 Storrs AH 3101 020 Health and Wellness for Life 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Giersch, Gabrielle 9/35
SS1 Storrs AH 3203 310 Aging: Implications for Health Professionals 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Kaliszewski, Tamara 8/25
SDL Storrs AH 3275 040 HAZWOPER 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous 1/25
AS2 Storrs AH 3278 080 Worker's Compensation 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Brouillet, Nancy 1/25
SDE Storrs AH 4239 030 Research Methods in Allied Health 2.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Malek, Jessica 11/35
SDE Storrs AH 4240W 030 Writing for Allied Health Research 1.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Malek, Jessica COMPW 6/19
SDE Storrs AH 4240W 031 Writing for Allied Health Research 1.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Rosen, Aviana COMPW 4/16
AS1 Storrs AMST 2276W 670 American Utopias and Dystopias 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bedore, Pamela CA1, COMPW 4/8
SS1 Storrs AMST 2400 010 City and Community in Film 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Maddern, Stacy CA1, TOI1, TOI2 5/10
SS1 Storrs ANSC 1645 010 The Science of Food 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Luo, Yangchao
Mancini, Richard
CA3, TOI6 3/25
AS2 Storrs ANSC 3343 080 Animal Food Products 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Mancini, Richard 15/25
AS2 Storrs ANSC 3344W 080 Scientific Writing in Animal Food Products 1.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Mancini, Richard COMPW 10/19
SSP Storrs ANSC 3691 060 Professional Internship 1.00 - 15.00 AR - By Arrangement Nadeau, Jenifer 0/15
SS2 Storrs ANTH 1000 020 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3.00 P - In Person CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 UConn First Summer 0/25
MAY Storrs ANTH 1000 025 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 12/25
SS1 Storrs ANTH 1000W 010 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Shemer, Noga CA2, CA4INT, COMPW, TOI2, TOI5 19/19
SS1 Storrs ANTH 1000W 011 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Shemer, Noga CA2, CA4INT, COMPW, TOI2, TOI5 4/15
SS2 Storrs ANTH 1000W 020 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Shemer, Noga CA2, CA4INT, COMPW, TOI2, TOI5 5/19
SS1 Storrs ANTH 1000W 810 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Longcore, Matthew CA2, CA4INT, COMPW, TOI2, TOI5 11/19
SS1 Storrs ANTH 1006 010 Introduction to Anthropology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ball, Christopher CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 5/25
SS2 Stamford ANTH 1006 820 Introduction to Anthropology 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Longcore, Matthew CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 2/30
SS2 Storrs ANTH 1010E 020 Global Climate Change and Human Societies 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous CA2, CA4INT, COMPE, TOI4 8/25
MAY Storrs ANTH 1010E 025 Global Climate Change and Human Societies 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous CA2, CA4INT, COMPE, TOI4 9/40
SS1 Storrs ANTH 1500 010 Great Discoveries in Archaeology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Smith, Alexia CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 3/25
SS1 Storrs ANTH 2000W 010 Social Anthropology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous CA2, CA4, COMPW, TOI2, TOI3 13/19
SS2 Storrs ANTH 2000W 020 Social Anthropology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous CA2, CA4, COMPW, TOI2, TOI3 6/19
SS1 Storrs ANTH 3401 710 World Religions 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Khorramzadeh, Katayoun CA1, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 2/25
SSP Storrs ANTH 3990 060 Field Work in Archaeology 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Acebo, Nathan 0/15
SS2 Storrs ARE 1110E 020 Population, Food, and the Environment 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Shah, Farhed CA2, COMPE, TOI4, TOI5 8/25
SS1 Storrs ARE 2260 010 Food Policy 3.00 P - In Person Andreyeva, Tatiana 1/25
SS2 Storrs ARE 2434E 020 Environmental and Resource Policy 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Towe, Charles COMPE, TOI4 6/25
SS1 Storrs ART 1000 810 Art Appreciation 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bueschlen, Haley CA1, TOI1, TOI2 9/25
MAY Storrs ART 1000 825 Art Appreciation 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bramble, Pamela CA1, TOI1, TOI2 To view the syllabus visit this url;
MAY Storrs ART 3220 025 Experimental Animation: Studio Processes 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous O'Donnell, John 8/25
SS1 Storrs ART 3350 010 Aqua Media I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous 5/25
SS2 Storrs ARTH 1137 020 Introduction to Art History: Prehistoric - 14th Century 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Moore, Kathryn CA1, TOI2, TOI5 3/25
SS1 Storrs ARTH 1138 010 Introduction to Art History: 15th Century - Present 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Orwicz, Michael CA1, TOI2, TOI5 0/25
SS2 Storrs ARTH 1141 020 From Sun Gods to Lowriders: Introduction to Latin American Art 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Greeley, Robin CA1, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 2/25
SS1 Storrs ASLN 1101 010 Elementary American Sign Language I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Schlang, Michael 14/25
SS2 Storrs ASLN 1102 020 Elementary American Sign Language II 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Gournaris, Kara 9/25
SS1 Storrs BADM 2101 010 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Murphy, Francis 2/5
SS2 Storrs BADM 2101 020 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Murphy, Hugh 2/5
AS1 Storrs BADM 3201 070 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Florian, Katherine 4/5
AS1 Storrs BADM 3202 070 Intermediate Accounting II 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Florian, Katherine 2/5
SS2 Storrs BADM 3665 020 Digital Marketing 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ryan, William 1/4
MAY Storrs BADM 3720 025 The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Spurling, Mark 6/10
SS1 Storrs BADM 3750 010 Introduction to Marketing Management 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Ryan, William 0/5
SS1 Storrs BADM 3750 011 Introduction to Marketing Management 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Srinivasan, Narasimhan 0/5
SS1 Storrs BADM 4881 010 Internship in Business Administration 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Ryan, William 0/10
SS1 Storrs BADM 4882 010 Practicum in Professional Sales 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Ryan, William 0/10
SS1 Waterbury BIOL 1102 310 Foundations of Biology OA - Online Asynchronous Durstin, Melissa CA3LAB, TOI6L 4/22
SS1 Waterbury BIOL 1102 310L Foundations of Biology 4.00 P - In Person Durstin, Melissa CA3LAB, TOI6L 4/22
SS2 Stamford BIOL 1102 820 Foundations of Biology P - In Person Wilson, Roderick CA3LAB, TOI6L 0/24
SS2 Stamford BIOL 1102 820L Foundations of Biology 4.00 P - In Person Wilson, Roderick CA3LAB, TOI6L 0/24
AS1 Waterbury BIOL 1107 370 Principles of Biology I OA - Online Asynchronous Preston-Berlin, Susan CA3LAB, TOI6L 18/22
AS1 Waterbury BIOL 1107 370L Principles of Biology I 4.00 P - In Person Preston-Berlin, Susan CA3LAB, TOI6L 18/22
SS1 Hartford BIOL 1107 710 Principles of Biology I P - In Person Kline, Elizabeth CA3LAB, TOI6L 9/46
SS1 Hartford BIOL 1107 710L Principles of Biology I 4.00 P - In Person Kline, Elizabeth
Jones, Lauren
CA3LAB, TOI6L 9/23
SS1 Stamford BIOL 1107 810 Principles of Biology I P - In Person Fusco, Nicole CA3LAB, TOI6L 5/24
SS1 Stamford BIOL 1107 810L Principles of Biology I 4.00 P - In Person Fusco, Nicole
Gilbert, Jonathan
CA3LAB, TOI6L 5/24
SS1 Hartford BIOL 1108 710 Principles of Biology II P - In Person Elango, Anitha CA3LAB, TOI6L 0/24
SS1 Hartford BIOL 1108 710L Principles of Biology II 4.00 P - In Person Jones, Lauren CA3LAB, TOI6L 0/24
SDL Storrs BIST 5092 050 Biostatistics Practicum 1.00 AR - By Arrangement 0/25
AS2 Storrs BIST 5099 080 Independent Study 1.00 - 4.00 AR - By Arrangement Chen, Ming-Hui 0/25
MAY Storrs BLAW 3175 025 The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Spurling, Mark 29/30
MAY Storrs BME 4999 025 Independent Study 1.00 - 4.00 AR - By Arrangement Kumavor, Patrick 0/5
SS1 Storrs BUSN 3004W 010 Business Writing and Communication 2.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Lucia, Brent COMPW 19/19
MAY Storrs CAMS 1103 025 Classical Mythology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Travis, Roger CA1, TOI2 19/75
MAY Storrs CE 2110 025 Applied Mechanics I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Motaref, Sarira To view the syllabus visit this url;
MAY Storrs CE 2411 025 Introduction to Computer Aided Design 1.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Cohen, Michael 1/25
SDE Storrs CE 3110 030 Mechanics of Materials 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Motaref, Sarira To view the syllabus visit this url;
AS1 Storrs CE 3220 070 Principles of Construction I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Roy, Manish 4/25
SDE Storrs CE 3610 030 Introduction to Structural Analysis and Design 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Jang, Shinae 10/25
SS1 Storrs CHEG 2103 010 Introduction to Chemical Engineering 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Pascal, Jennifer 8/25
SS2 Storrs CHEG 2111 020 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Pascal, Jennifer 4/25
SSP Storrs CHEG 4989 060 Introduction to Research 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Sun, Luyi 0/5
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1122 070 Chemical Principles and Applications OA - Online Asynchronous Aguirre, Dafhne CA3LAB, TOI6L 2/16
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1122 070D Chemical Principles and Applications 4.00 P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Aguirre, Dafhne
CA3LAB, TOI6L 1/16
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1122 071L Chemical Principles and Applications 4.00 P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Aguirre, Dafhne
CA3LAB, TOI6L 1/16
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1125Q 070 Fundamentals of General Chemistry II P - In Person Angeles-Boza, Alfredo CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 3/16
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1125Q 070L Fundamentals of General Chemistry II 3.00 P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Angeles-Boza, Alfredo
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1127Q 070 General Chemistry I P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Caldwell, Karenann
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1127Q 070L General Chemistry I 4.00 P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Caldwell, Karenann
AS2 Storrs CHEM 1127Q 080 General Chemistry I P - In Person Pinkhassik, Eugene CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 5/16
AS2 Storrs CHEM 1127Q 080L General Chemistry I 4.00 P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Pinkhassik, Eugene
AS1 Waterbury CHEM 1127Q 370 General Chemistry I P - In Person Hill, Sandra CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 1/16
AS1 Waterbury CHEM 1127Q 370L General Chemistry I 4.00 P - In Person Hill, Sandra
Mooney, Douglas
AS2 Avery Point CHEM 1127Q 680 General Chemistry I P - In Person Riel, Louis CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 0/18
AS2 Avery Point CHEM 1127Q 680L General Chemistry I 4.00 P - In Person Riel, Louis CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 0/18
AS1 Hartford CHEM 1127Q 770 General Chemistry I P - In Person Shah, Priya CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 4/32
AS1 Hartford CHEM 1127Q 770L General Chemistry I 4.00 P - In Person Keesey, Mary
Shah, Priya
AS1 Stamford CHEM 1127Q 870 General Chemistry I P - In Person Wood, Thomas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 4/24
AS1 Stamford CHEM 1127Q 870L General Chemistry I 4.00 P - In Person Wood, Thomas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 4/24
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1128Q 070 General Chemistry II P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Riel, Louis
AS1 Storrs CHEM 1128Q 070L General Chemistry II 4.00 P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly
Riel, Louis
AS2 Storrs CHEM 1128Q 080 General Chemistry II P - In Person Caldwell, Karenann
Carpenter, Kimberly
AS2 Storrs CHEM 1128Q 080L General Chemistry II 4.00 P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Caldwell, Karenann
AS1 Waterbury CHEM 1128Q 370 General Chemistry II P - In Person Hill, Sandra CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 2/22
AS1 Waterbury CHEM 1128Q 370L General Chemistry II 4.00 P - In Person Hill, Sandra
Mooney, Douglas
AS1 Hartford CHEM 1128Q 770 General Chemistry II P - In Person Pierce, Scott CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 10/32
AS1 Hartford CHEM 1128Q 770L General Chemistry II 4.00 P - In Person Keesey, Mary
Pierce, Scott
AS2 Stamford CHEM 1128Q 880 General Chemistry II P - In Person Wood, Thomas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 6/20
AS2 Stamford CHEM 1128Q 880L General Chemistry II 4.00 P - In Person Wood, Thomas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 6/20
AS2 Storrs CHEM 2241 080 Organic Chemistry 3.00 P - In Person Beshir, Anwar 5/27
AS1 Waterbury CHEM 2241 370 Organic Chemistry 3.00 P - In Person Boyle, Connor 2/30
AS1 Storrs CHEM 2443 070 Organic Chemistry 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Leadbeater, Nicholas
Schroeder, Chelsea
Sharma, Manisha
AS1 Storrs CHEM 2443 071 Organic Chemistry 3.00 P - In Person Tran, Kiet 9/25
AS2 Storrs CHEM 2444 080 Organic Chemistry 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Leadbeater, Nicholas
Schroeder, Chelsea
Sharma, Manisha
AS2 Storrs CHEM 2444 081 Organic Chemistry 3.00 P - In Person Tran, Kiet 6/27
AS2 Storrs CHEM 2445 080 Organic Chemistry Laboratory P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Beshir, Anwar
AS2 Storrs CHEM 2445 080L Organic Chemistry Laboratory 3.00 P - In Person Carpenter, Kimberly (LABC)
Beshir, Anwar
MAY Storrs CHIN 3270 025 Chinese Film 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Yang, Chunsheng CA1, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 6/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 1000 010 The Process of Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Denes, Amanda CA2, TOI2, TOI5 19/25
SS2 Storrs COMM 1000 020 The Process of Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Uzar, Laura CA2, TOI2, TOI5 5/25
SS2 Storrs COMM 1000 021 The Process of Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Denes, Amanda CA2, TOI2, TOI5 UConn First Summer 4/25
MAY Storrs COMM 1000 025 The Process of Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Stifano, Stephen CA2, TOI2, TOI5 13/25
MAY Storrs COMM 1000 825 The Process of Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Borsai Basaran, Anne CA2, TOI2, TOI5 7/30
SS2 Stamford COMM 1100 820 Principles of Public Speaking 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Shellenberger, Kimberly 5/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 2000Q 010 Research Methods in Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Stifano, Sara COMPQ 9/25
SS2 Storrs COMM 2010Q 820 Applied Communication Research Methods 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Page, Tyler COMPQ 4/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 2100 810 Professional Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Page, Tyler 17/25
MAY Storrs COMM 2110 025 Presenting in the Digital World 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous McGloin, Rory 9/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 2200 010 Interpersonal Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Denes, Amanda 6/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 2300 010 Effects of Mass Media 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Christensen, John 5/25
SS2 Storrs COMM 2500 020 Persuasion 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Meade, Thomas 11/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 2600 310 Media in the Information Age 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Vesci, Tom 2/25
SS2 Storrs COMM 3120W 020 Small Group Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Davis, Sharde COMPW To view the syllabus visit this url;
SS2 Storrs COMM 3230 020 Family Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Cooper, Amanda 4/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 3310W 010 Media Literacy and Criticism 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Atkin, David COMPW 6/19
SS1 Storrs COMM 3420W 010 Health Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Hintz, Elizabeth COMPW 4/19
SS1 Storrs COMM 3530 010 Public Relations 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Page, Tyler 3/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 4979 010 Digital Portfolio 1.00 - 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Stifano, Stephen 3/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 4981 010 Internship in Communication 1.00 - 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Meade, Thomas 0/10
SS2 Storrs COMM 4981 020 Internship in Communication 1.00 - 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Meade, Thomas 0/10
SSP Storrs COMM 4981 060 Internship in Communication 1.00 - 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Meade, Thomas 1/60
SS1 Storrs COMM 5001 010 Introduction to Graduate Communication Research 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Christensen, John 1/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 5004 010 Qualitative Research Methods in Communication 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Hintz, Elizabeth 0/25
SS1 Storrs COMM 5640 010 Social Media Use and Effects 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Oeldorf-Hirsch, Anne 0/25
SS2 Storrs CSE 1010 020 Introduction to Computing for Engineers P - In Person Strimple, David 0/15
SS2 Storrs CSE 1010 020L Introduction to Computing for Engineers 3.00 P - In Person Strimple, David 0/20
SS1 Stamford CSE 1010 810 Introduction to Computing for Engineers P - In Person Baig, Hasan 4/20
SS1 Stamford CSE 1010 810L Introduction to Computing for Engineers 3.00 P - In Person Baig, Hasan 4/20
SS1 Storrs CSE 2500 010 Introduction to Discrete Systems 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Johnson, Joseph 7/20
SS2 Storrs CSE 2600 020 Introduction to Data Science and Engineering 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Lamoureux, Matthew 8/20
SS1 Stamford CSE 3100 810 Systems Programming P - In Person O., D. 1/20
SS1 Stamford CSE 3100 810L Systems Programming 3.00 P - In Person O., D. 1/20
SS1 Storrs CSE 3500 810 Algorithms and Complexity 3.00 P - In Person Bradford, Phillip 2/20
MAY Storrs DMD 2010 825 History of Digital Culture 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Worwood, Matthew CA1, CA3, TOI2 Students can bypass prerequisites by obtaining a permission number. Please contact Meredith Friedman at 2/30
SS1 Storrs DMD 2620 810 Human Development, Digital Media, and Technology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Worwood, Matthew CA2, CA4, TOI5 Students can bypass prerequisites by obtaining a permission number. Please contact Meredith Friedman at 2/30
SS2 Storrs DMD 2700 020 Digital Media Strategies for Business 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Murphy, John Students can bypass prerequisites by obtaining a permission number. Please contact Meredith Friedman at 0/25
SS2 Storrs DRAM 1110 020 Introduction to Film 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Tycer, Vincent CA1 1/25
SS2 Storrs ECE 2000 020 Electrical and Computer Engineering Principles 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Tonn, David 6/35
MAY Storrs ECE 2001 025 Electrical Circuits P - In Person Gokirmak, Ali 4/24
MAY Storrs ECE 2001 025L Electrical Circuits 4.00 P - In Person Gokirmak, Ali 4/24
SS1 Storrs ECE 3101 010 Signals and Systems OA - Online Asynchronous Zhang, Liang 10/45
SS1 Storrs ECE 3101 010D Signals and Systems 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Zhang, Liang 10/45
SS2 Storrs ECE 3111 020 Systems Analysis and Design 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Dani, Ashwin 9/25
SS1 Storrs ECE 3161 010 Introduction to Robotics 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Gupta, Shalabh 2/15
SS2 Storrs ECE 3201 020 Electronic Circuit Design and Analysis OA - Online Asynchronous Anwar, A 4/24
SS2 Storrs ECE 3201 020L Electronic Circuit Design and Analysis 4.00 P - In Person Anwar, A 4/24
SDE Storrs ECE 4900W 040 Communicating Engineering Solutions in a Societal Context 1.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zhou, Shengli COMPW 4/15
SS1 Storrs ECON 1201 010 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Johnson, Derek CA2, TOI5, TOI6 7/25
SS2 Storrs ECON 1201 020 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Cosgel, Metin CA2, TOI5, TOI6 3/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 1201 310 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Lanza, Steven CA2, TOI5, TOI6 0/25
MAY Storrs ECON 1201 825 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Harmon, Oskar CA2, TOI5, TOI6 17/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 1202 010 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Cosgel, Metin CA2, TOI5, TOI6 5/25
SS2 Storrs ECON 1202 020 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00 P - In Person Brown, Matthew CA2, TOI5, TOI6 UConn First Summer 0/25
MAY Storrs ECON 1202 025 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Johnson, Derek CA2, TOI5, TOI6 5/25
SS2 Storrs ECON 1202 320 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Lanza, Steven CA2, TOI5, TOI6 1/25
SSP Storrs ECON 2101W 060 Economic History of Europe 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Johnson, Derek CA1, COMPW, TOI2, TOI5 13/19
SS1 Storrs ECON 2201 010 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ray, Subhash 14/30
MAY Storrs ECON 2202 025 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zhao, Kai 13/25
MAY Storrs ECON 2301Q 825 Mathematical Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Glazer, Steven COMPQ 3/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 2311Q 010 Econometrics I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Kim, Min COMPQ 4/25
SS2 Storrs ECON 2311Q 820 Econometrics I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Harmon, Oskar COMPQ 1/25
SS2 Storrs ECON 2326 020 Operations Research 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ray, Subhash 6/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 2411 010 Money and Banking 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Svalestad, Owen 9/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 2413 010 Economics of Financial Markets and Institutions 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zhao, Kai 4/25
SS2 Storrs ECON 2441W 020 Labor Economics 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Couch, Kenneth COMPW 3/19
SS2 Storrs ECON 2447 820 Economics of Sports 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Harmon, Oskar 9/25
MAY Storrs ECON 2447 825 Economics of Sports 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Harmon, Oskar 4/25
SDL Storrs ECON 2447 850 Economics of Sports 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Harmon, Oskar 0/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 2447W 810 Economics of Sports 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Harmon, Oskar COMPW 17/19
SS1 Storrs ECON 2467E 010 Economics of the Oceans 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Baggio, Michele COMPE, TOI4, TOI5 1/15
SS1 Storrs ECON 2481 010 Internship Field Study 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Cosgel, Metin 0/10
SS2 Storrs ECON 2481 020 Internship Field Study 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Cosgel, Metin 0/10
SSP Storrs ECON 2481 060 Internship Field Study 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Cosgel, Metin 0/10
SSP Storrs ECON 2481 860 Internship Field Study 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Harmon, Oskar 0/10
SS2 Storrs ECON 2491W 020 Internship Research Paper 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Cosgel, Metin COMPW 0/19
SS1 Storrs ECON 3413 010 Financial Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zhao, Kai 5/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 3421 010 International Trade 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Svalestad, Owen 14/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 3431W 810 Public Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Smirnova, Natalia COMPW 5/19
SS1 Storrs ECON 3438W 010 Contemporary Problems in Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Cosgel, Metin COMPW 5/19
SS2 Storrs ECON 3441 020 Theory of Labor Markets 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Couch, Kenneth 3/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 3451 010 Health Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chen, Tianxu 1/25
MAY Storrs ECON 3451 025 Health Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chen, Tianxu 6/25
MAY Storrs ECON 3466E 025 Environmental Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Baggio, Michele COMPE 3/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 3473 010 Economic Development 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chen, Tianxu 2/25
SS1 Storrs ECON 5495 810 Topics in Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Smirnova, Natalia 0/25
MAY Hartford EDCI 5092 725 Practicum 3.00 P - In Person Gabriel, Rachael This course will meet on Friday and Saturday May 2, 3, 23 and 24. 0/15
MAY Hartford EDCI 5100 725 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Primary Grades 3.00 P - In Person Dostal, Hannah This course will meet on Friday and Saturday May 2, 3, 23 and 24 0/15
SS1 Storrs EDCI 5140 010 Content Area Reading and Disciplinary Literacy 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Dostal, Hannah 0/25
SSP Storrs EDCI 5845 060 Seminar in International Education 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Marcus, Alan Only open to IBM students enrolled in the Nottingham Education Abroad program. 1/20
SSP Storrs EDCI 5845 062 Seminar in International Education 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Only open to IBM students enrolled in the London Education Abroad program. 0/20
SSP Storrs EDCI 5845 063 Seminar in International Education 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Kaufman, Douglas Only open to IBM students enrolled in the Cape Town, South Africa Education Aboard Program. 6/20
AS1 Storrs EDCI 5875 070 Multicultural Education 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Howard, Elizabeth 0/20
SS1 Stamford EEB 2100E 810 Global Change Ecology 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Fusco, Nicole CA3, COMPE, TOI4, TOI6 3/18
SDE Storrs EEB 2244E 030 General Ecology HL - Hybrid Limited Herrick, Susan COMPE, TOI4 It is essential for students to be available at all the scheduled class times and to have a computer/study environment that will enable them to leave their camera on.
Required in person class meetings on May 23, June 06 and June 20.
SDE Storrs EEB 2244E 030D General Ecology 4.00 HL - Hybrid Limited Herrick, Susan COMPE, TOI4 8/24
SS1 Storrs EEB 3267 010 Field Study of Animal Behavior 3.00 P - In Person 6/12
MAY Storrs EEB 4262 025 Field Methods in Ornithology 3.00 P - In Person Barreto, Cindy 5/10
SDE Storrs ENGL 1007 030 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition 4.00 P - In Person 0/20
AS1 Storrs ENGL 1007 070 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition 4.00 OB - Online Blended 10/16
AS1 Storrs ENGL 1007 073 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition 4.00 OB - Online Blended 10/16
AS2 Storrs ENGL 1007 080 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition 4.00 OB - Online Blended 0/16
AS2 Storrs ENGL 1007 081 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition 4.00 OB - Online Blended 2/16
AS2 Storrs ENGL 1007 082 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition 4.00 OB - Online Blended 1/16
AS1 Waterbury ENGL 1007 371 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition 4.00 OB - Online Blended Carillo, Ellen 3/20
AS2 Stamford ENGL 1007 880 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Gilman, Danielle 3/20
AS1 Storrs ENGL 2276W 670 American Utopias and Dystopias 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bedore, Pamela CA1, COMPW 9/11
SS2 Storrs ENGL 2401 020 Poetry 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Choffel, Julie CA1 8/25
SS1 Storrs ENGL 2407 010 The Short Story 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Codr, Dwight CA1, TOI1, TOI2 2/25
MAY Storrs ENGL 2407 325 The Short Story 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Carillo, Ellen CA1, TOI1, TOI2 2/25
SS1 Storrs ENGL 2413 010 The Graphic Novel 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Litman, Ellen CA1, TOI1, TOI2 7/25
AS1 Storrs ENGL 2730W 070 Travel Writing 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Deans, Thomas CA1, COMPW To view the syllabus visit this url;
SS1 Stamford ENGL 3003W 810 Topics in Writing Studies 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Roden, Frederick COMPW In this course we will develop our fluency in and practice our facility with a variety of genres that fall broadly under the name of "life writing." These include memoir (both glimpses and the more holistic), family history/genealogy through narrative (from individual profiles and generational schema to ancestral/cultural origins transmitted intergenerationally), oral history (involving interviews of consenting subjects), and biography (from the familiar to the remote across time and place). We will read a range of texts that shape our perspectives on these forms (in terms of craft and model), work in multimedia (including material culture – objects that tell stories; the visual/digital as well as verbal), and consolidate specific projects for a term portfolio. This course is an elective for the English major and minor and for the Writing minor. For English major tracks, Engl 3003W counts for Creative Writing, English Teaching, and Writing & Composition Studies. For General Education, it satisfies a W competency. Pre-teaching students preparing for both Neag and TCPCG satisfy a Composition requirement 2/19
SS2 Storrs ENGL 3503 020 Shakespeare I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Labe, Kyle
Semenza, Gregory
SS2 Storrs ENGL 5100 020 The Theory and Teaching of Writing 3.00 OB - Online Blended Campbell, Scott 0/10
SS2 Storrs ENGL 5100 021 The Theory and Teaching of Writing 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Blansett, Lisa 0/10
SS1 Storrs ENVE 2310E 010 Environmental Engineering Fundamentals 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Vadas, Timothy COMPE 1/30
AS1 Storrs ENVE 3120 070 Fluid Mechanics OA - Online Asynchronous Bagtzoglou, Amvrossios 5/30
AS1 Storrs ENVE 3120 070L Fluid Mechanics 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bagtzoglou, Amvrossios 5/30
SS1 Storrs EPSY 1450W 010 Mind, Body, Health 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bray, Melissa CA2, COMPW, TOI1, TOI3 19/19
SS1 Storrs EPSY 1450W 011 Mind, Body, Health 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bray, Melissa CA2, COMPW, TOI1, TOI3 19/19
SS1 Storrs EPSY 1450W 012 Mind, Body, Health 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bray, Melissa CA2, COMPW, TOI1, TOI3 19/19
SS1 Storrs EPSY 1450W 013 Mind, Body, Health 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bray, Melissa CA2, COMPW, TOI1, TOI3 15/19
SS2 Storrs EPSY 1450W 020 Mind, Body, Health 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bray, Melissa CA2, COMPW, TOI1, TOI3 19/19
SS2 Storrs EPSY 1450W 021 Mind, Body, Health 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bray, Melissa CA2, COMPW, TOI1, TOI3 5/19
SS2 Storrs EPSY 1450W 022 Mind, Body, Health 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bray, Melissa CA2, COMPW, TOI1, TOI3 4/19
SS2 Storrs EPSY 1450W 023 Mind, Body, Health 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bray, Melissa CA2, COMPW, TOI1, TOI3 1/19
SS1 Storrs EPSY 1830 010 Critical and Creative Thinking in the Movies 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Kaufman, James CA2, TOI1 3/25
SS2 Storrs EPSY 1830 020 Critical and Creative Thinking in the Movies 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Kaufman, James CA2, TOI1 3/25
MAY Storrs EPSY 3333 025 Introduction to Counseling and Psychoeducation 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous O'Neil, James 30/30
MAY Storrs EPSY 3333 026 Introduction to Counseling and Psychoeducation 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous O'Neil, James 0/30
AS1 Storrs FNCE 3101 070 Financial Management 3.00 OB - Online Blended Bailey, Kathleen This course will have a midterm exam on June 23rd from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm and a final exam on July 11 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. 9/25
SSP Storrs FNCE 4881 060 Internship in Finance 1.00 - 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Bailey, Kathleen 0/25
SS1 Storrs GEOG 1000 010 Introduction to Geography 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Foote, Ken CA2 To view the syllabus visit this url;
SS1 Storrs GEOG 1200 010 Global Urbanization 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Michimi, Akihiko CA1, CA4INT 8/25
SS2 Storrs GEOG 1200 020 Global Urbanization 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Michimi, Akihiko CA1, CA4INT 0/25
AS1 Storrs GEOG 1302 070 GIS Modeling of Environmental Change OA - Online Asynchronous Trumbull, Nathaniel CA3LAB 24/25
AS1 Storrs GEOG 1302 070L GIS Modeling of Environmental Change 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Trumbull, Nathaniel CA3LAB 24/25
SS1 Storrs GEOG 1700 010 World Regional Geography 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Trumbull, Nathaniel CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 3/25
MAY Storrs GEOG 1700 025 World Regional Geography 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Trumbull, Nathaniel CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 3/25
SS1 Storrs GEOG 2000 010 Globalization 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zhang, Chuanrong(Cindy) Zhang, Chuanrong(Cindy) CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 To view the syllabus visit this url;
SS2 Storrs GEOG 2000 020 Globalization 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zhang, Chuanrong(Cindy) Zhang, Chuanrong(Cindy) CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 To view the syllabus visit this url;
MAY Storrs GEOG 2000 025 Globalization 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zhang, Chuanrong(Cindy) Zhang, Chuanrong(Cindy) CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 To view the syllabus visit this url; syllabus:|9658815046 6/25
SS2 Storrs GEOG 2100 020 Economic Geography 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Michimi, Akihiko CA2 4/25
SS1 Storrs GEOG 2300E 010 Introduction to Physical Geography 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Wanyama, Dan CA3, COMPE, TOI4, TOI6 12/25
SS1 Storrs GEOG 2400E 010 Introduction to Sustainable Cities 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Atkinson-Palombo, Carol CA2, CA4INT, COMPE 9/25
SS2 Storrs GEOG 2400E 020 Introduction to Sustainable Cities 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Atkinson-Palombo, Carol CA2, CA4INT, COMPE 3/30
SDL Storrs GEOG 2400E 050 Introduction to Sustainable Cities 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Atkinson-Palombo, Carol CA2, CA4INT, COMPE 6/25
AS1 Storrs GERM 1140W 070 German Literature in English 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous CA1, COMPW, TOI2 4/19
MAY Storrs GPS 3081 025 BGS Internship 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Hill, James 0/1
SS2 Storrs HDFS 1060 020 Close Relationships Across the Lifespan 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Adamsons, Kari CA2, TOI5 12/25
SS1 Storrs HDFS 1070 010 Individual and Family Development 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Weaver, Shannon CA2, TOI5 10/25
SS2 Storrs HDFS 2001 820 Diversity Issues in Human Development and Family Sciences 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Samuel, Vida CA4, TOI2, TOI3 6/25
SS1 Storrs HDFS 2004W 810 Research Methods in Human Development and Family Sciences 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Csizmadia, Annamaria COMPW 8/19
MAY Storrs HDFS 2100 025 Human Development: Infancy Through Adolescence 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Tabb Foley, Mary 5/25
SS1 Storrs HDFS 2200 310 Human Development: Adulthood and Aging 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Donorfio, Laura 8/25
SS2 Storrs HDFS 2300 820 Family Interaction Processes 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous McRoy, Kyla 5/25
SS2 Storrs HDFS 3102 020 Early and Middle Childhood Development 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bladen, Anne 1/25
SS1 Storrs HDFS 3261 310 Men and Masculinities 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chapman, Brian CA4, TOI2, TOI3 5/25
MAY Storrs HIST 1201 025 Modern World History 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Simpson, Bradley CA1, TOI2, TOI5 7/25
SS2 Storrs HIST 1400 020 Modern Western Traditions 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Maulucci, Thomas CA1, TOI2, TOI5 2/25
SS1 Storrs HIST 1501 810 United States History to 1877 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Reynolds, Luke CA1, TOI3, TOI5 20/25
SS2 Storrs HIST 1502 020 U.S. History Since 1877 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Newport, Melanie CA1, TOI3, TOI5 9/25
MAY Storrs HIST 1502 025 U.S. History Since 1877 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ogbar, Jeffrey CA1, TOI3, TOI5 7/25
MAY Storrs HIST 1600 025 Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Pappademos, Melina CA1, CA4INT 5/25
SS2 Storrs HIST 2210E 020 History of the Ocean 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chang, Jason CA1, COMPE, TOI2, TOI4 16/25
SS1 Storrs HIST 2222E 010 Global Environmental History 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Healey, Mark CA1, CA4INT, COMPE, TOI3, TOI4 8/25
SS1 Storrs HIST 3326 010 Ancient Rome: Emperors and Barbarians 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Feeney, Kevin CA1, TOI2, TOI5 7/25
SS1 Storrs HIST 3531 310 Japanese Americans and World War II 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Reardon, Tina CA1, CA4, TOI3, TOI5 3/10
SS1 Storrs HIST 3554 010 Immigrants and the Shaping of American History 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chang, Jason CA1, CA4, TOI2, TOI5 2/25
SS2 Storrs HIST 5198 020 Variable Topics in History 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Newport, Melanie 0/25
SS2 Storrs HRTS 2200 020 Introduction to Genocide Studies 3.00 OB - Online Blended Brand, Michael CA2, CA4INT 0/25
SS1 Storrs HRTS 3200W 010 International Human Rights Law 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Webb, Alyssa CA1, CA4INT, COMPW, TOI3, TOI5 8/19
SSP Storrs HRTS 4291 060 Service Learning Seminar/Internship 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Webb, Alyssa 0/20
MAY Storrs JAPN 1101 025 Elementary Japanese I 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Chen, Qiushi 1/20
SS2 Storrs JOUR 1002 020 The Press in America 3.00 OB - Online Blended Macdonald, Gail CA1 UConn First Summer
Students will also be required to complete Asynchronous assignments
SSP Storrs JOUR 4091 060 Supervised Field Internship 1.00 - 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Kalb, Steven
Serkosky, Julie
SSP Storrs JOUR 4099 060 Independent Study 2.00 AR - By Arrangement Smith, Steven 0/1
SS1 Storrs KINS 1100 010 Exercise and Wellness for Everyone 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous MacKenzie, Allison 3/25
SS2 Storrs KINS 2200 020 Introduction to Athletic Training 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Singe, Stephanie 4/25
AS2 Storrs KINS 2227 080 Exercise Prescription 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous DeScenza, Tori CA3, TOI6 0/25
SS1 Storrs KINS 3212 010 Field Experiences in Rehabilitation, Health Care, and Sport 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Singe, Stephanie 1/25
SS1 Storrs KINS 3222 010 Mental Health in Sport 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Singe, Stephanie 7/25
SS1 Storrs KINS 4500 010 Exercise Physiology 3.00 P - In Person MacKenzie, Allison 1/25
SS1 Storrs KINS 5000 010 Clinical Anatomy for Athletic Trainers 4.00 P - In Person Glaviano, Neal 2/20
SS2 Storrs KINS 5100 020 Musculoskeletal Examination and Acute Treatment I 3.00 P - In Person DiStefano, Michael 2/17
AS1 Storrs KINS 5200 070 Foundations of Athletic Training 2.00 P - In Person Diakogeorgiou, Eleni 2/15
AS2 Storrs LAND 3230WE 080 Sustainable Environmental Planning and Landscape Design 3.00 OB - Online Blended Sterling, Tom COMPE, COMPW Monday classes will have synchronous discussion based on readings and asynchronous lecture. Wednesday classes will have synchronous guest lecture and discussion. Thursday classes will have synchronous workshop/writing exercise. 0/19
SS1 Storrs LING 1010 010 Language and Mind 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous van der Hulst, Harry CA1 9/25
SS2 Storrs LLAS 1009 020 Latino Literature, Culture, and Society 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Seligmann, Katerina CA1, CA4, TOI2, TOI3 1/10
SS1 Storrs MAST 2467E 010 Economics of the Oceans 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Baggio, Michele COMPE, TOI4, TOI5 1/10
SS1 Storrs MATH 1020Q 010 Problem Solving 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Munteanu, Bianca COMPQ 11/25
MAY Stamford MATH 1020Q 825 Problem Solving 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Husu, Cristiano COMPQ 5/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 1060Q 010 Precalculus 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Biro, Michael COMPQ 4/25
SS2 Storrs MATH 1060Q 020 Precalculus 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous COMPQ 2/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 1070Q 010 Mathematics for Business and Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Doan, Luan COMPQ 13/40
SS2 Storrs MATH 1070Q 020 Mathematics for Business and Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Jiang, Ningwei COMPQ 4/40
SS1 Stamford MATH 1070Q 810 Mathematics for Business and Economics 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Kellinsky-Gonzalez, Kevin COMPQ 4/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 1071Q 010 Calculus for Business and Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Hall, Katherine COMPQ 25/75
SS2 Storrs MATH 1071Q 020 Calculus for Business and Economics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous COMPQ 7/25
SS2 Stamford MATH 1071Q 820 Calculus for Business and Economics 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Farzannia, Amineh COMPQ 1/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 1131Q 010 Calculus I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Savkar, Amit COMPQ 14/75
SS1 Storrs MATH 1131Q 011 Calculus I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Savkar, Amit COMPQ 0/75
SS2 Storrs MATH 1131Q 020 Calculus I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Dolan, Robert COMPQ 12/50
SS2 Storrs MATH 1131Q 021 Calculus I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Olshevsky, Vadim COMPQ 5/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 1131Q 710 Calculus I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Jaramillo, Maree COMPQ 17/25
SS1 Stamford MATH 1131Q 810 Calculus I 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Menon, Venu COMPQ 6/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 1132Q 010 Calculus II 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous McArdle, David COMPQ 55/75
SS1 Storrs MATH 1132Q 011 Calculus II 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous McArdle, David COMPQ 4/75
SS1 Storrs MATH 1132Q 012 Calculus II 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Minn-Thu-Aye, Myron COMPQ 3/25
SS2 Storrs MATH 1132Q 020 Calculus II 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Lantz, Benjamin COMPQ 16/50
SS2 Storrs MATH 1132Q 320 Calculus II 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Pathirana, Vindya COMPQ 1/25
SS2 Stamford MATH 1132Q 820 Calculus II 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Fuller, Jessica COMPQ 2/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 2110Q 010 Multivariable Calculus 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Rizzie, Anthony COMPQ 21/50
SS2 Storrs MATH 2110Q 020 Multivariable Calculus 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Rizzie, Erin COMPQ 4/50
SS2 Storrs MATH 2110Q 320 Multivariable Calculus 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zito, Stephen COMPQ 4/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 2110Q 710 Multivariable Calculus 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Jaramillo, Andrew COMPQ 2/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 2210Q 010 Applied Linear Algebra 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Roby, Tom COMPQ 3/40
SS1 Storrs MATH 2210Q 011 Applied Linear Algebra 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Lu, Guozhen COMPQ 2/40
SS2 Storrs MATH 2210Q 020 Applied Linear Algebra 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chousionis, Vasileios COMPQ 17/40
SS2 Storrs MATH 2210Q 021 Applied Linear Algebra 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Sarkar, Rohan COMPQ 0/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 2410Q 010 Elementary Differential Equations 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Munteanu, Ovidiu COMPQ 8/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 2410Q 011 Elementary Differential Equations 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Yan, Xiaodong COMPQ 0/25
SS2 Storrs MATH 2410Q 020 Elementary Differential Equations 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Jackson, Blake COMPQ 10/55
SS1 Stamford MATH 2410Q 810 Elementary Differential Equations 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Husu, Cristiano COMPQ 0/25
SS1 Storrs MATH 3160 010 Probability 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Zhang, Lingxiao 8/40
SS2 Storrs MATH 3160 020 Probability 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Lee, Kyu-Hwan 10/75
SSP Storrs MATH 3790 060 Field Study Internship 1.00 - 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Watt, Dan 0/1
SS1 Storrs MCB 2000 010 Introduction to Biochemistry P - In Person Malinoski, Christopher 22/28
SS1 Storrs MCB 2000 010L Introduction to Biochemistry 4.00 P - In Person Malinoski, Christopher
Arsenault, Danielle
Mccollam-Guilani, Linda
SS1 Storrs MCB 2000 011L Introduction to Biochemistry 4.00 P - In Person Malinoski, Christopher
Mccollam-Guilani, Linda
MAY Storrs MCB 2210 025 Cell Biology 3.00 OB - Online Blended Campellone, Kenneth
Daggett, David
To view the syllabus visit this url;
SS1 Storrs MCB 2400 010 Human Genetics 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Kratovil, Justin 6/25
SS2 Storrs MCB 2410 020 Genetics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Longo, Mark 10/40
MAY Storrs MCB 2410 025 Genetics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Longo, Mark 15/40
SS1 Storrs MCB 2410 310 Genetics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Durstin, Melissa 8/25
MAY Storrs MCB 2610 025 Fundamentals of Microbiology P - In Person Gage, Daniel
Intrieri, Gino
MAY Storrs MCB 2610 025L Fundamentals of Microbiology 4.00 P - In Person Gage, Daniel
Intrieri, Gino
SDE Storrs MCB 3844W 030 Microbiology and the Media 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Rossi, Patricia COMPW 16/16
SDE Storrs MCB 3844W 031 Microbiology and the Media 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Rossi, Patricia COMPW 2/16
SS1 Storrs ME 2233 010 Thermodynamic Principles 3.00 OB - Online Blended Chishty, Wajid 3/25
SS2 Storrs ME 2233 020 Thermodynamic Principles 3.00 OB - Online Blended Chishty, Wajid 2/25
SS2 Storrs ME 2250 020 Fluid Dynamics I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Sheikhi, Reza 20/25
SS1 Storrs ME 3161 010 Introduction to Robotics 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Gupta, Shalabh 1/10
AS1 Storrs ME 3242 070 Heat Transfer 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Lee, Jason 4/25
SS1 Storrs ME 3255 010 Computational Mechanics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Cooper, Ryan 5/20
SS1 Storrs ME 3256W 010 Data-Driven Decisions and Technical Communications 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Cooper, Ryan COMPW 4/19
AS1 Storrs ME 3295 070 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Paricio Garcia, Jorge Basic computer-aided design (CAD) is introduced. Isometric, orthogonal views, sections and parametric modeling strategies. First and third angle projections. Notions of measuring, tolerances and manufacturing techniques associated by hand and CAD modeling. General manufacturing processes and their relation to modeling individual parts and assemblies. CNC principles, GCODE. 5/20
SS1 Storrs MKTG 3101 010 Introduction to Marketing Management 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Ryan, William 7/25
SS1 Storrs MKTG 3101 011 Introduction to Marketing Management 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Srinivasan, Narasimhan 7/25
SS2 Storrs MKTG 3665 020 Digital Marketing 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ryan, William 6/25
SS1 Storrs MKTG 4881 010 Internship in Marketing 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Ryan, William 0/10
SS1 Storrs MKTG 4882 010 Practicum in Professional Sales 3.00 AR - By Arrangement Ryan, William 0/10
SS2 Stamford MUSI 1003 820 Popular Music and Diversity in American Society 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Peterson, Kirsten CA1, CA4, TOI1, TOI3 2/30
AS1 Storrs NRE 1000E 070 Environmental Science 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ortega, Isaac (Morty) CA3, COMPE, TOI4, TOI6 8/30
AS2 Storrs NRE 1000E 080 Environmental Science 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ortega, Isaac (Morty) CA3, COMPE, TOI4, TOI6 2/30
SS2 Storrs NRE 2600E 020 Global Sustainable Natural Resources 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Boyle, Meg CA4INT, COMPE, TOI4, TOI5 8/25
SS1 Storrs NRE 3245E 010 Environmental Law 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Vokoun, Jason COMPE, TOI4 0/25
SSP Storrs NUSC 1165 060 Fundamentals of Nutrition 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Blesso, Christopher CA3, TOI6 To view the syllabus visit this url;
AS1 Storrs NUSC 1167 070 Food, Culture and Society 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chea, Molika CA4INT, TOI2 5/25
SS1 Storrs NUSC 1645 010 The Science of Food 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Luo, Yangchao
Mancini, Richard
CA3, TOI6 3/25
MAY Storrs NUSC 2200 025 Nutrition and Human Development 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Brownbill, Rhonda TOI6 7/30
SS1 Storrs OPIM 3103 010 Business Information Systems 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Fitzgerald, Stephen 7/25
SSP Storrs OPIM 3104 060 Operations Management 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Calvert, Craig 13/30
SSP Storrs OPIM 4881 060 Internship in Operations and Information Management 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Fitzgerald, Stephen 0/25
SS1 Storrs PHIL 1101 010 Problems of Philosophy 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Perri-Reichert, Liam CA1, TOI5 0/40
SS2 Storrs PHIL 1101 020 Problems of Philosophy 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Bright, Zachary CA1, TOI5 0/40
MAY Storrs PHIL 1102 025 Philosophy and Logic 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Sonsayar, Utku CA1, TOI5 5/25
SS1 Storrs PHIL 1104 010 Philosophy and Social Ethics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bloomfield, Paul CA1, TOI3, TOI5 11/25
SS1 Storrs PHIL 1104 011 Philosophy and Social Ethics 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Mhlahlo, Ayabulela CA1, TOI3, TOI5 2/40
SS2 Storrs PHIL 1104 020 Philosophy and Social Ethics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ahmed, Alina CA1, TOI3, TOI5 25/25
SS2 Storrs PHIL 1104 021 Philosophy and Social Ethics 3.00 P - In Person Warren, Matthew CA1, TOI3, TOI5 UConn First Summer 0/40
SS1 Storrs PHIL 1107 010 Philosophy and Gender 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Muraviov, Heather CA1, CA4, TOI3, TOI5 1/40
SS1 Storrs PHIL 1108E 010 Environmental Philosophy 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Arora, Megha CA1, COMPE, TOI4 1/40
AS1 Storrs PHYS 1075Q 070 Physics of Music 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Gibson, George CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI1, TOI6L To view the syllabus visit this url;
SS1 Storrs PHYS 1201Q 010 General Physics I P - In Person Rahman, Ashiq CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 1/18
SS1 Storrs PHYS 1201Q 010L General Physics I 4.00 P - In Person Rahman, Ashiq
Mishra, Raman
AS1 Storrs PHYS 1201Q 070 General Physics I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ordaz, Belter
Valente, Diego
AS1 Storrs PHYS 1201Q 071 General Physics I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ordaz, Belter
Valente, Diego
SS1 Waterbury PHYS 1201Q 310 General Physics I P - In Person Winston, Howard CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 3/18
SS1 Waterbury PHYS 1201Q 310L General Physics I 4.00 P - In Person Winston, Howard CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 3/18
SS1 Stamford PHYS 1201Q 810 General Physics I P - In Person O'connell, Thomas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 2/24
SS1 Stamford PHYS 1201Q 810L General Physics I 4.00 P - In Person O'connell, Thomas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 2/24
SS2 Storrs PHYS 1202Q 020 General Physics II P - In Person Sainju, Deepak CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 12/18
SS2 Storrs PHYS 1202Q 020L General Physics II 4.00 P - In Person Sainju, Deepak
Thandayamparambil Sureshbabu, Devika
SS2 Waterbury PHYS 1202Q 320 General Physics II P - In Person Winston, Howard CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 3/18
SS2 Waterbury PHYS 1202Q 320L General Physics II 4.00 P - In Person Winston, Howard CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 3/18
SS2 Stamford PHYS 1202Q 820 General Physics II P - In Person O'connell, Thomas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 8/24
SS2 Stamford PHYS 1202Q 820L General Physics II 4.00 P - In Person O'connell, Thomas CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 8/24
SS2 Storrs PHYS 1230 020 General Physics Problems 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Ordaz, Belter 2/25
AS1 Storrs PHYS 1401Q 070 General Physics with Calculus I P - In Person Jain, Menka CA3LAB, COMPQ 1/18
AS1 Storrs PHYS 1401Q 070L General Physics with Calculus I 4.00 P - In Person Jain, Menka
Meynig, Max
AS2 Storrs PHYS 1402Q 080 General Physics with Calculus II P - In Person Shinn, Evan CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 0/18
AS2 Storrs PHYS 1402Q 080L General Physics with Calculus II 4.00 P - In Person Shinn, Evan
Trost, Erin
SS1 Storrs PHYS 1501Q 010 Physics for Engineers I P - In Person Ghimire, Niraj CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 1/18
SS1 Storrs PHYS 1501Q 010L Physics for Engineers I 4.00 P - In Person Ghimire, Niraj
Dos Santos Alves, Weverton
SS2 Storrs PHYS 1502Q 020 Physics for Engineers II P - In Person Guthrie, Matt CA3LAB, COMPQ, TOI6L 3/18
SS2 Storrs PHYS 1502Q 020L Physics for Engineers II 4.00 P - In Person Guthrie, Matt
Johnson, Calvin
SS2 Storrs PNB 2250 020 Comparative Animal Physiology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous 19/25
AS1 Storrs PNB 2264 070 Human Physiology and Anatomy P - In Person Crivello, Joseph 2/45
AS1 Storrs PNB 2264 070L Human Physiology and Anatomy 4.00 P - In Person Crivello, Joseph 2/15
AS2 Storrs PNB 2265 080 Human Physiology and Anatomy P - In Person Crivello, Joseph 3/45
AS2 Storrs PNB 2265 080L Human Physiology and Anatomy 4.00 P - In Person Crivello, Joseph 3/15
AS1 Storrs PNB 3120W 070 Public Communication of Physiology and Neurobiology HB - Hybrid Divino, Jeffrey
Redden, John
COMPW 6/19
AS1 Storrs PNB 3120W 070D Public Communication of Physiology and Neurobiology 3.00 HB - Hybrid Divino, Jeffrey
Redden, John
COMPW 6/19
SS1 Storrs PNB 3251 010 Biology of the Brain 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Filipovic, Radmila
Tanner, Geoffrey
SS1 Storrs POLS 1002 010 Introduction to Political Theory 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Dudas, Jeffrey CA1, TOI5 7/25
SS2 Storrs POLS 1002 020 Introduction to Political Theory 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Dudas, Jeffrey CA1, TOI5 5/25
SS1 Storrs POLS 1202 010 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Morse, Yonatan CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 0/25
SS2 Storrs POLS 1202 020 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Morse, Yonatan CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 2/25
SS1 Storrs POLS 1402 010 Introduction to International Relations 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Pressman, Jeremy CA2, CA4INT, TOI3, TOI5 6/25
SS1 Storrs POLS 1602 010 Introduction to American Politics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ladewig, Jeffrey CA2, TOI3, TOI5 4/25
SS2 Storrs POLS 1602 020 Introduction to American Politics 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ladewig, Jeffrey CA2, TOI3, TOI5 3/25
SS1 Storrs POLS 2072Q 010 Quantitative Analysis in Political Science 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Best, Samuel COMPQ 14/25
SS1 Storrs POLS 2221W 010 Introduction to Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ahmed Zaki, Hind CA2, CA4INT, COMPW, TOI2, TOI3 To view the syllabus visit this url;
SS2 Storrs POLS 2618 020 Politics of Inequality 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Hayes, Thomas Sophomores may send an email to the professor for permission to enroll. The email address is
To view the syllabus visit this url;
SS1 Storrs POLS 3040 010 Power, Politics and Art 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Arat, Zehra CA4INT, TOI1, TOI2 4/25
SS2 Storrs POLS 3426 020 Politics, Propaganda, and Cinema 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Best, Samuel 14/25
SSP Storrs POLS 3991 060 Supervised Field Work 1.00 - 12.00 AR - By Arrangement Bergendahl, Kimberly 0/10
SS1 Hartford PP 1001 710 Introduction to Public Policy 3.00 P - In Person Barone, Kenneth CA2, TOI3, TOI5 0/50
SS1 Storrs PSYC 1100 010 General Psychology I 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Dixon, James CA3, TOI6 3/25
SS2 Storrs PSYC 1100 020 General Psychology I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Chrobak, James CA3, TOI6 9/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 1100 810 General Psychology I 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Gresham, Lori CA3, TOI6 25/25
SS2 Storrs PSYC 1100 820 General Psychology I 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Bandinelli, Lucas CA3, TOI6 0/25
SS1 Avery Point PSYC 1101 610 General Psychology II 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Perez, Kenneth CA2, TOI5, TOI6 1/25
SS2 Storrs PSYC 1101 820 General Psychology II 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Gresham, Lori CA2, TOI5, TOI6 25/25
AS1 Storrs PSYC 2100WQ 070 Principles of Research in Psychology OS - Online Synchronous Mellor, Steven COMPQ, COMPW 19/19
AS1 Storrs PSYC 2100WQ 070L Principles of Research in Psychology 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Mellor, Steven
Castro Lingl, Daphne
SS2 Stamford PSYC 2100WQ 820 Principles of Research in Psychology OS - Online Synchronous Buchweitz, Augusto COMPQ, COMPW 2/19
SS2 Stamford PSYC 2100WQ 820L Principles of Research in Psychology 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Buchweitz, Augusto COMPQ, COMPW 2/19
MAY Storrs PSYC 2101 825 Introduction to Multicultural Psychology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Burton, Leslie CA4 11/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 2110 010 Psychology of Human Sexuality 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Wedell, Emma 2/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 2200 310 Physiological Psychology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Astur, Robert 2/20
SS1 Hartford PSYC 2201 710 Drugs And Behavior 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Heinly, Matthew 8/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 2300 010 Psychological Disorders 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Xu, Mariah 1/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 2301 310 The Study of Personality 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Treadwell, Kimberli 20/20
SS1 Storrs PSYC 2500 010 Learning 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Lundquist, Eric 4/25
SS2 Storrs PSYC 2501 020 Cognitive Psychology 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Lautz, Nathan 3/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 2501 810 Cognitive Psychology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Buchweitz, Augusto 13/20
SS2 Storrs PSYC 3102 020 Psychology of Women 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Stango, Damon CA4, TOI3, TOI5 3/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 3105 010 Health Psychology 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous Austin, Hannah 3/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 3251 310 Laboratory in Physiological Psychology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Astur, Robert 0/15
SS2 Storrs PSYC 3301 020 Introduction to Clinical Psychology 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous 0/25
AS1 Storrs PSYC 3301 670 Introduction to Clinical Psychology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Kleinman, Jamie 5/20
SS2 Storrs PSYC 3405 020 Social Development 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Smith, Rhiannon 1/20
SS1 Storrs PSYC 3500 010 The Psychology of Language 3.00 OS - Online Synchronous LeGrand, Kaya 3/25
SS1 Storrs PSYC 3880 010 Field Experience 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Chrobak, James
Sanders, Nathan
SS2 Storrs PSYC 3880 020 Field Experience 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Chrobak, James
Sanders, Nathan
SDE Storrs PT 5410 030 Human Anatomy Trunk and Upper Extremity P - In Person Kinsella-Shaw, Jeffrey 0/15
SDE Storrs PT 5410 030L Human Anatomy Trunk and Upper Extremity 4.00 P - In Person Kinsella-Shaw, Jeffrey 0/15
SDE Storrs PT 5410 031 Human Anatomy Trunk and Upper Extremity P - In Person Capetta, Maryclaire 0/18
SDE Storrs PT 5410 031L Human Anatomy Trunk and Upper Extremity 4.00 P - In Person Capetta, Maryclaire 0/18
SDL Storrs PT 5412 040 Human Anatomy Pelvis and Lower Extremity P - In Person Kinsella-Shaw, Jeffrey 0/15
SDL Storrs PT 5412 040L Human Anatomy Pelvis and Lower Extremity 4.00 P - In Person Kinsella-Shaw, Jeffrey 0/15
SDL Storrs PT 5412 041 Human Anatomy Pelvis and Lower Extremity P - In Person Kopp, Eric 0/18
SDL Storrs PT 5412 041L Human Anatomy Pelvis and Lower Extremity 4.00 P - In Person Kopp, Eric 0/18
SDL Storrs PT 5414 040 Clinical Human Physiology 3.00 P - In Person Kinsella-Shaw, Jeffrey 0/30
SDE Storrs PT 5424 030 Musculoskeletal Pathology 4.00 P - In Person Devaney, Laurie 0/30
SDE Storrs PT 5437 030 Education and Communication for Physical Therapists 3.00 P - In Person Osborne, Mary 5/30
SDE Storrs PT 5438 030 Professionalism for the Physical Therapist 2.00 P - In Person Rizzo, Jon 5/30
SDE Storrs PT 5440 030 Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Therapy 3.00 P - In Person Smith, James 0/30
SDE Storrs PT 5452 030 Therapeutic Interventions I 2.00 P - In Person Mainville, Kendal 5/17
SDE Storrs PT 5452 031 Therapeutic Interventions I 2.00 P - In Person Mainville, Kendal 0/17
SDE Storrs PT 5461 030 Clinical Education I 8.00 P - In Person Rizzo, Jon 0/3
SDE Storrs PT 5480 030 Interaction for Health Care and Society 3.00 P - In Person Osborne, Mary 0/35
SS1 Storrs SLHS 1150 010 Introduction to Communication Disorders 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Wittke, Kacie CA2, CA4, TOI2, TOI3 5/30
SS1 Storrs SLHS 2156Q 010 Speech and Hearing Science 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Phillips, Matthew COMPQ Visiting students can bypass prerequisites by obtaining a permission number. Please contact Sirrah Galligan at 5/30
SS1 Storrs SLHS 2203 010 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech, Hearing, and Swallowing 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ratchford, Samantha 2/30
MAY Storrs SLHS 2204 025 Speech and Language Acquisition 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Spaulding, Tammie 6/25
SS2 Storrs SLHS 3247 020 Introduction to Phonetic Principles 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Visiting students can bypass prerequisites by obtaining a permission number. Please contact Sirrah Galligan at 1/30
SS2 Storrs SLHS 3248 020 Introduction to Audiology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Hinchey, Thomas Visiting students can bypass prerequisites by obtaining a permission number. Please contact Sirrah Galligan at 3/30
SSP Storrs SLHS 5282 060 Clinical Practicum in Speech Language Pathology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Ratchford, Samantha 0/5
SSP Storrs SLHS 5282 061 Clinical Practicum in Speech Language Pathology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement McCarthy, Jean 0/5
SSP Storrs SLHS 5282 062 Clinical Practicum in Speech Language Pathology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Wittke, Kacie 0/5
SSP Storrs SLHS 5282 063 Clinical Practicum in Speech Language Pathology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Gallagher, Nicole 0/5
SSP Storrs SLHS 5282 064 Clinical Practicum in Speech Language Pathology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Soares Gonzales, Lucinda 0/5
SDE Storrs SLHS 5324 025 Psychosocial Issues of Hearing Loss 3.00 P - In Person Cienkowski, Kathleen 0/30
SDE Storrs SLHS 5379 030 Introduction to Medical Speech Pathology 1 1.00 P - In Person Soares Gonzales, Lucinda 0/30
SSP Storrs SLHS 5482 060 Clinical Practicum in Audiology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Hinchey, Thomas 0/5
SSP Storrs SLHS 5482 061 Clinical Practicum in Audiology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Yanaway, Terry 0/5
SSP Storrs SLHS 5482 062 Clinical Practicum in Audiology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement Haines, Christine 0/5
SSP Storrs SLHS 5482 063 Clinical Practicum in Audiology 1.00 AR - By Arrangement McMahon, Nancy 0/5
SS1 Storrs SOCI 1001 010 Introduction to Sociology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Yorks, Jessica CA2, TOI3, TOI5 3/25
SS2 Storrs SOCI 1001 020 Introduction to Sociology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Munsch, Christin CA2, TOI3, TOI5 5/25
MAY Storrs SOCI 1001 825 Introduction to Sociology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Bunyan, Laura CA2, TOI3, TOI5 3/25
SS1 Storrs SOCI 1501 810 Race, Class, and Gender 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Semaan, Ingrid CA2, CA4, TOI3, TOI5 5/25
SS2 Storrs SOCI 2275 020 Social Well-Being 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Wright, Bradley 5/35
SS2 Storrs SOCI 2275W 020 Social Well-Being 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Wright, Bradley COMPW 5/19
SS1 Storrs SOCI 2280 010 Sociology of Mental Illness 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Talbert, Ryan 10/25
SS1 Storrs SOCI 2301 010 Criminology 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous McNeal, Ralph 8/25
MAY Storrs SOCI 2305 025 Deviant Behavior 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous McNeal, Ralph 10/25
SS2 Storrs SOCI 2310 020 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous McNeal, Ralph CA2, CA4 1/25
SS2 Storrs SOCI 2651 020 Sociology of Families 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Munsch, Christin CA4, TOI5 6/25
SS1 Storrs SOCI 2709WE 010 Society and Climate Change 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Godfrey, Phoebe CA2, COMPE, COMPW, TOI1, TOI4 18/19
SSP Storrs SOCI 3990 060 Internship: Field Experience 1.00 - 6.00 AR - By Arrangement Godfrey, Phoebe 0/5
SSP Storrs SOCI 3991 060 Internship: Research Paper 1.00 - 2.00 AR - By Arrangement Godfrey, Phoebe 0/5
SSP Storrs SOCI 3991W 060 Internship: Research Paper 1.00 - 2.00 AR - By Arrangement Godfrey, Phoebe COMPW 0/5
SS1 Storrs SPAN 1001 010 Elementary Spanish I 4.00 OB - Online Blended Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo This course will include weekly meetings between students and the instructor. 12/20
SS2 Storrs SPAN 1002 020 Elementary Spanish II 4.00 OB - Online Blended Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo This course will include weekly meetings between students and the instructor. 13/20
SS1 Storrs SPAN 1003 010 Intermediate Spanish I 4.00 OB - Online Blended Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo This course will include weekly meetings between students and the instructor. 20/20
SS1 Stamford SPAN 1003 810 Intermediate Spanish I 4.00 AR - By Arrangement Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo This course will include weekly meetings between students and the instructor. 0/20
SS2 Storrs SPAN 1004 020 Intermediate Spanish II 4.00 OB - Online Blended Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo This course will include weekly meetings between students and the instructor. 20/20
SS2 Stamford SPAN 1004 820 Intermediate Spanish II 4.00 OB - Online Blended Urios-Aparisi, Eduardo This course will include weekly meetings between students and the instructor. 4/20
SS1 Storrs SPAN 1008 010 Christians, Muslims and Jews in Medieval Spain 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Hershenzon, Daniel CA1, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 1/25
SS2 Storrs SPAN 1009 020 Latino Literature, Culture, and Society 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Seligmann, Katerina CA1, CA4, TOI2, TOI3 0/10
MAY Storrs SPAN 1010 025 Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society through Film 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Nanclares, Gustavo CA1, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 2/25
SDL Storrs SPAN 1010 040 Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society through Film 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Nanclares, Gustavo CA1, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 1/25
SDL Storrs SPAN 1020 040 Intersections of Art, Fashion, Film, and Music in Modern Spain 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Diaz-Marcos, Ana CA1, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 3/25
SS1 Storrs SPAN 3250 010 Film in Spain and Latin America 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous CA1, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI3 2/25
AS1 Storrs STAT 1000Q 070 Introduction to Statistics I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Kouzehkanani, Amir COMPQ 25/25
AS2 Storrs STAT 1000Q 080 Introduction to Statistics I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Kouzehkanani, Amir COMPQ 10/25
SS1 Waterbury STAT 1000Q 310 Introduction to Statistics I 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Bond, Norman COMPQ 6/25
SS2 Storrs STAT 1000Q 820 Introduction to Statistics I 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Majumdar, Suman COMPQ 2/25
MAY Stamford STAT 1000Q 825 Introduction to Statistics I 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Saccucci, Michael COMPQ 6/25
SS1 Storrs STAT 1100Q 010 Elementary Concepts of Statistics 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous COMPQ 3/30
SS2 Storrs STAT 1100Q 020 Elementary Concepts of Statistics 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous COMPQ 2/25
MAY Waterbury STAT 1100Q 325 Elementary Concepts of Statistics 4.00 OS - Online Synchronous Bond, Norman COMPQ 8/25
SS2 Storrs STAT 1100Q 820 Elementary Concepts of Statistics 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Majumdar, Suman COMPQ 4/25
MAY Storrs STAT 1100Q 825 Elementary Concepts of Statistics 4.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Majumdar, Suman COMPQ 12/25
SS1 Storrs STAT 2215Q 010 Introduction to Statistics II 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Ravishanker, Nalini COMPQ 11/40
SS2 Storrs STAT 3025Q 020 Statistical Methods 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Karim, Emmy COMPQ 8/25
SS2 Storrs STAT 3115Q 020 Analysis of Experiments 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Karim, Emmy COMPQ 8/25
SS2 Storrs UNIV 1800 020 FYE University Learning Skills 1.00 P - In Person Ochs, Jordan 0/25
SS2 Storrs URBN 1300W 020 Exploring Your Community 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Birge-Liberman, Phil CA2, CA4, COMPW, TOI3, TOI5 4/19
SS1 Storrs URBN 1300W 310 Exploring Your Community 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Arganaraz Gomez, Melisa CA2, CA4, COMPW, TOI3, TOI5 6/19
SS1 Storrs URBN 1400W 010 Site and Sound: Understanding Cities Through Popular Music 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Birge-Liberman, Phil CA2, CA4, COMPW, TOI3, TOI5 1/19
SS1 Storrs URBN 2000 010 Introduction to Urban and Community Studies 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Donegan, Mary 3/25
SS1 Storrs URBN 2400 010 City and Community in Film 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Maddern, Stacy CA1, TOI1, TOI2 4/15
SS2 Storrs WGSS 1105 020 Gender and Sexuality in Everyday Life 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Zane, Sherry CA2, CA4, TOI3, TOI5 6/25
MAY Storrs WGSS 2124 025 Gender and Globalization 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Codr, Ariana CA2, CA4INT, TOI2, TOI5 3/25
SS1 Storrs WGSS 2204 010 Feminisms and the Arts 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Codr, Ariana CA1, CA4, TOI1, TOI3 2/25
SS2 Storrs WGSS 2204 020 Feminisms and the Arts 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Powell, Mick CA1, CA4, TOI1, TOI3 6/25
MAY Storrs WGSS 2217 025 Women, Gender and Film 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous CA1, CA4, TOI1, TOI2 15/25
SDL Storrs WGSS 2217 040 Women, Gender and Film 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Shringarpure, Bhakti CA1, CA4, TOI1, TOI2 5/25
SS1 Storrs WGSS 2263 010 Women, Gender, and Violence 3.00 OA - Online Asynchronous Orozco Mendoza, Elva 4/25