Online Courses

This page shows all courses currently scheduled for Summer Session 2025. Courses will be continued to be added until March, so check back regularly. For complete course details and enrollment information, click on the course in the listing below, or check the Student Administration system.

3003W. Topics in Writing Studies

3.00 credits | May be repeated for a total of 6 credits.

Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; open to juniors or higher.

Grading Basis: Graded

Exploration of a genre, method, concept, or subject area in writing.

Last Refreshed: 26-MAR-25 AM
To view current class enrollment click the refresh icon next to the enrollment numbers.
Session Campus Term Class Number Instruction Mode Instructor Section Schedule Location Enrollment Notes Credits
SS1 Stamford Summer 2025 2018 Online Synchronous Roden, Frederick 810 MoWeFr 10:00am‑12:30pm
No Room Required - Online 2/19 In this course we will develop our fluency in and practice our facility with a variety of genres that fall broadly under the name of "life writing." These include memoir (both glimpses and the more holistic), family history/genealogy through narrative (from individual profiles and generational schema to ancestral/cultural origins transmitted intergenerationally), oral history (involving interviews of consenting subjects), and biography (from the familiar to the remote across time and place). We will read a range of texts that shape our perspectives on these forms (in terms of craft and model), work in multimedia (including material culture – objects that tell stories; the visual/digital as well as verbal), and consolidate specific projects for a term portfolio. This course is an elective for the English major and minor and for the Writing minor. For English major tracks, Engl 3003W counts for Creative Writing, English Teaching, and Writing & Composition Studies. For General Education, it satisfies a W competency. Pre-teaching students preparing for both Neag and TCPCG satisfy a Composition requirement 3.00