Online Political Science Courses
Summer Session 2025
Take an Online Political Science Class in Summer 2025
UConn’s Department of Political Science offers many fully online political science courses to help you get ahead, save money, or catch-up. Summer online political science classes are taught by UConn instructors and are delivered within an asynchronous or synchronous format.
If you are a student from another school, you can take UConn summer classes online and transfer them to your home institution (you should check with your home institution to ensure transferability). With UConn’s online political science summer courses, you’re attending classes at one of the nations top-ranked public institutions.
You are welcome to browse our complete Summer 2025 course listing here.
If you require any assistance registering for an online political science course or have questions please reach out to us using the Need Help button.
Introduction to Political Theory (POLS 1002)
POLS 1002
This course explores major themes of political theory such as justice, obligation, and equality, and their relevance to contemporary political concerns. CA 1.
Prerequisites: RHAG students cannot take more than 22 credits of 1000 level courses.
Grading Basis: Graded
Introduction to Comparative Politics (POLS 1202)
POLS 1202
A survey of institutions, politics, and ideologies in democratic and non-democratic states. CA 2. CA 4-INT.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: RHAG students cannot take more than 22 credits of 1000 level courses.
Grading Basis: Graded
Introduction to International Relations (POLS 1402)
POLS 1402
This course explores the nature and problems of international politics. CA 2. CA 4-INT. SM-9/09.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: RHAG students cannot take more than 22 credits of 1000 level courses.
Grading Basis: Graded
Introduction to American Politics (POLS 1602)
POLS 1602
Analysis of the organization and operation of the American political system. CA 2.
Prerequisites: None.
Grading Basis: Graded
Introduction to Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa (POLS 2221W)
POLS 2221W
The politics of the contemporary Middle East. Topics may include state formation, authoritarianism, democratization, and the Arab Spring uprising. CA 2. CA4-INT.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Preparation: POLS 1202. Not open for credit to students who have passed POLS 2998/W when offered as Comparative Government in the Middle East.
Grading Basis: Graded
Quantitative Analysis in Political Science (POLS 2072Q)
POLS 2072Q
An explanation of the quantitative methods used in political science. Curriculum includes the application of these methods for the analysis of substantive political questions.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Preparation: High School Algebra II and a mathematics course.
Grading Basis: Graded
American Political Parties (POLS 2607)
POLS 2607
An analysis of the aims, organization, and growth of parties in the United States.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: POLS 1602.
Grading Basis: Graded
Power, Politics and Art (POLS 3040)
POLS 3040
A study of power and politics through a survey of major political ideologies and their expression in art and architecture, in various past and present cultures, both as a means of political socialization and a tool of resistance and protest.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: Open to juniors or higher.
Grading Basis: Graded
Politics, Propaganda, and Cinema (POLS 3426)
POLS 3426
Lectures and films from several nations serve to illustrate techniques and effects of propaganda, analyzing the pervasive impact that propaganda has on our lives. The course concentrates on the World War II era.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: Open to juniors or higher.
Grading Basis: Graded
Politics of Inequality (POLS 3618)
POLS 3618
Relationship between democracy and inequality. Economic inequality and its causes, poverty, public opinion, inequalities in political voice and representation, public policy, the role of money in politics.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: Open only to juniors or higher.
Grading Basis: Graded