Online Summer Statistics Courses

Summer Session 2025

Summer 2025 Online Statistics Courses


UConn’s Summer Sessions offers many fully online Statistics courses to help you get ahead, save money, or catch-up. Online Statistics classes are taught by UConn instructors and are delivered within an asynchronous format. You can participate at any time of day from nearly anywhere.

If you are a student from another school, you can take UConn summer classes online and transfer them to your home institution (you should check with your home institution to ensure transferability). With UConn’s online summer courses, you’re attending classes at one of the nations top-ranked public institutions.

You are welcome to browse our complete Summer 2025 course listing here.

If you require any assistance registering for an online statistics course or have questions please reach out to us using the Need Help button.

Introduction to Statistics I (STAT 1000Q)

STAT 1000Q

A standard approach to statistical analysis primarily for students of business and economics; elementary probability, sampling distributions, normal theory estimation and hypothesis testing, regression and correlation, exploratory data analysis. Learning to do statistical analysis on a personal computer is an integral part of the course.

4.00 credits
Prerequisites: Students can receive no more than four credits from STAT 1000Q and 1100Q. Students who have passed a 2000-level or above STAT course or who are taking such a course concurrently cannot take 1000-level STAT courses.
Grading Basis: Graded

Elementary Concepts of Statistics (STAT 1100Q)

STAT 1100Q

Standard and nonparametric approaches to statistical analysis; exploratory data analysis, elementary probability, sampling distributions, estimation and hypothesis testing, one- and two-sample procedures, regression and correlation. Learning to do statistical analysis on a personal computer is an integral part of the course.

4.00 credits
Prerequisites: Students can receive no more than four credits from STAT 1000Q and 1100Q. Students who have passed a 2000-level or above STAT course or who are taking such a course concurrently cannot take 1000-level STAT courses.
Grading Basis: Graded

Introduction to Statistics II (STAT 2215Q)

STAT 2215Q

Analysis of variance, multiple regression, chi-square tests, and non-parametric procedures.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: STAT 1000Q or 1100Q.
Grading Basis: Graded

Statistical Methods (STAT 3025Q)

STAT 3025Q

Basic probability distributions, point and interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, correlation and regression, analysis of variance, experimental design, non-parametric procedures.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 1132Q or 1152Q; students may not receive more than three credits from STAT 3025 and 3345. May not be taken out of sequence after passing STAT 3445, 4190, or 4625.
Grading Basis: Graded

Analysis of Experiments (STAT 3115Q)

STAT 3115Q

Straight-line regression, multiple regression, regression diagnostics, transformations, dummy variables, one-way and two-way analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, stepwise regression.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: STAT 2215Q or 3025Q or instructor consent. Not open for credit to students who have passed STAT 3215Q or 5315.
Grading Basis: Graded