Online Math Courses
Summer Session 2025
Take an Online Math Class in Summer 2025
UConn’s Department of Math offers several fully online 3-credit Math courses to help you get ahead, save money, or catch-up. Summer online math classes are taught by UConn instructors and are delivered within an asynchronous format. You can participate at any time of day from nearly anywhere.
If you are a student from another school, you can take UConn summer classes online and transfer them to your home institution (you should check with your home institution to ensure transferability). With UConn’s online math summer courses, you’re attending classes at one of the nations top-ranked public institutions.
You are welcome to browse our complete Summer 2025 course listing here.
If you require any assistance registering for an online Math course or have questions please reach out to us using the Need Help button.
Problem Solving (MATH 1020Q)
MATH 1020Q
An introduction to the techniques used by mathematicians to solve problems. Skills such as Externalization (pictures and charts), Visualization (associated mental images), Simplification, Trial and Error, and Lateral Thinking learned through the study of mathematical problems. Problems drawn from combinatorics, probability, optimization, cryptology, graph theory, and fractals. Students will be encouraged to work cooperatively and to think independently. Not eligible for course credit by examination.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Preparation: MATH 1011Q or equivalent. Not open for credit to students who have passed any math course other than MATH 1010, 1011Q, 1020Q, 1030Q, 1040, 1050, 1060Q or 1070Q.
Grading Basis: Graded
Precalculus (MATH 1060Q)
MATH 1060Q
Preparation for calculus. Review of algebra. Functions and their applications; in particular, polynomials, rational functions, exponentials, logarithms and trigonometric functions.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: A qualifying score on the math placement assessment (For more info: May not be taken out of sequence after passing MATH 1120,1125, or 1131Q. Not open for credit after passing MATH 1040.
Grading Basis: Graded
Mathematics for Business and Economics (MATH 1070Q)
MATH 1070Q
Public policy history and institutions, government administration and systems, policy analysis, contemporary policy issues, polling and influences on policy making.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Preparation: MATH 1011Q or equivalent. Not open for credit to students who have passed MATH 1132Q, 1152Q or 2142Q.
Grading Basis: Graded
Calculus for Business and Economics (MATH 1071Q)
MATH 1071Q
Derivatives and integrals of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions. Applications to business and economics.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: None.
Recommended Preparation: MATH 1011Q or the equivalent, and MATH 1070Q, and a qualifying score on the mathematics placement assessment. Not open to students who have passed MATH 1110Q. Only one credit for students who have passed MATH 1121Q, 1131Q, or 1151Q.
Grading Basis: Graded
Multivariable Calculus (MATH 2110Q)
MATH 2110Q
Two- and three-dimensional vector algebra, calculus of functions of several variables, vector differential calculus, line and surface integrals.
4.00 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 1132Q or 1152Q or a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam.
Recommended Preparation: A grade of C- or better in MATH 1132Q. May not be taken for credit after passing MATH 2130Q or 2143Q. May not be taken out of sequence after passing MATH 2720, 3246, 3160, 3330, 3370, 3410, 3412, 3510, 3610. Repeat restrictions apply; see
Grading Basis: Graded
Applied Linear Algebra (MATH 2210Q)
MATH 2210Q
Systems of equations, matrices, determinants, linear transformations on vector spaces, characteristic values and vectors, from a computational point of view. The course is an introduction to the techniques of linear algebra with elementary applications.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 1132Q or 1152Q or 2142Q.
Recommended Preparation: A grade of C- or better in MATH 1132Q. Not open after passing MATH 2144Q, 3210, 3510, or 3710. Repeat restrictions apply. See for information.
Grading Basis: Graded
Elementary Differential Equations (MATH 2410Q)
MATH 2410Q
Introduction to ordinary differential equations and their applications, linear differential equations, systems of first order linear equations, numerical methods.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 1132Q, 1152Q, or 2142Q.
Recommended Preparation: A grade of C- or better in MATH 1132Q; MATH 2110Q or 2130Q. Cannot be taken after MATH 2144Q, 2420Q, 2720, 3146, 3150, 3410, 3412, 3510, 3710. Repeat restrictions apply; see
Grading Basis: Graded
Probability (MATH 3160)
MATH 3160
Introduction to the theory of probability. Sets and counting, probability axioms, conditional probabilities, random variables, limit theorems.
3.00 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 2110 or 2130 or 2143. Cannot be taken for credit after passing MATH 3165, 3610, 3621, 3634, 4735.
Grading Basis: Graded
Online Calculus I & II:
This summer, UConn is offering Calculus I (UCONN MATH 1131Q) and Calculus II (UCONN MATH 1132Q) in a convenient online format. These two 4-credit courses can be taken in consecutive order or as stand-alone options.
Calculus I (MATH 1131Q)
MATH 1131Q
Limits, continuity, differentiation, antidifferentiation, definite integral, with applications to the physical sciences and engineering sciences. Suitable for students with some prior calculus experience. Substitutes for MATH 1120, 1126 or 1151 as a requirement. Two credits for students who have passed MATH 1125Q.
4.00 credits
Prerequisites: A qualifying score on math placement assessment ( Students cannot receive credit for MATH 1131Q and either MATH 1120Q, 1121Q, 1126Q or 1151Q (2 credits for students who have passed MATH 1125Q). May not be taken out of sequence after passing MATH 1132Q.
Grading Basis: Graded
Calculus II (MATH 1132Q)
MATH 1132Q
Transcendental functions, formal integration, polar coordinates, infinite sequences and series, vector algebra and geometry, with applications to the physical sciences and engineering. Substitutes for MATH 1122 or 121 as a requirement.
4.00 credits
Prerequisites: A qualifying score on the math placement assessment; one of MATH 1121Q, MATH 1126Q, MATH 1131Q, MATH 1151Q, or AP credit for calculus.
Recommended Preparation: C- or better in MATH 1121Q or MATH 1126Q or MATH 1131Q. Not open to students who have passed MATH 1122Q or MATH 1152Q. Substitutes for MATH 1122Q.
Grading Basis: Graded
Amit A. Savkar
Calculus I Instructor
Myron Minn-Thu-Aye
Calculus II Instructor