Online Engineering Courses

Summer Session 2025

Take a Online Summer Engineering Course in 2025


UConn’s School of Engineering offers a host of fully online engineering courses to help you get ahead, save money, or catch-up. Online engineering classes are taught by UConn instructors and are delivered within an asynchronous format. You can participate at any time of day from nearly anywhere.

If you are a student from another school, you can take UConn summer classes online and transfer them to your home institution (you should check with your home institution to ensure transferability). With UConn’s online engineering summer courses, you’re attending classes at one of the nations top-ranked public institutions.

You are welcome to browse our complete Summer 2025 course listing here.

If you require any assistance registering for an online engineering course or have questions please reach out to us using the Need Help button.

Biomedical Engineering (BME)

BME 3120: LabVIEW Basics for Engineers

The course content introduces students to:

  • LabVIEW programming environment.
  • Fundamentals of using graphical programming to collect, analyze, display and store data.
  • Techniques used to design stand alone applications, create interactive user interfaces, and to optimize data flow.

1.00 credits
Prerequisites: CSE 1010 or 1100. Open only to Biomedical Engineering majors, others by instructor consent. Not open for credits to students who have passed ENGR 3120.
Grading basis: Graded

Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

CSE 2050: Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design

Introduction to fundamental data structures and algorithms. The emphasis is on understanding how to efficiently implement different data structures, communicate clearly about design decisions, and understand the relationships among implementations, design decisions, and the four pillars of object-oriented programming: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: CSE 1010 or 1729. Not open to students who have passed CSE 2100.
Grading Basis: Graded

CSE 3100: Systems Programming

Introduction to system-level programming with an emphasis on C programming, process management and small scale concurrency with multi-threaded programming. Special attention will be devoted to proficiency with memory management and debugging facilities both in a sequential and parallel setting.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: CSE 2050 or 2100; open only to students in the School of Engineering and declared Computer Science minors.
Grading Basis: Graded

Civil Engineering (CE)

CE 2110: Applied Mechanics I

Focused in the fundamentals of statics using vector methods, this course includes exploration of resolution and composition of forces, equilibrium of force systems, analysis of forces acting on structures and machines, centroids, and moment of inertia.

3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: MATH 1132Q. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

CE 2411: Introduction to Computer Aided Design

Introduction to computer-aided design and drawing, emphasizing applications in civil and environmental engineering and landscape design. Introduction to fundamental CAD concepts and techniques, such as drawing commands, dimensioning, layers, editing techniques, and plotting, and additional software packages to create planimetric and topographic maps. Related topics include scale, coordinate geometry, and terrain representation.

1.00 credits
Prerequisites: Enrollment in the School of Engineering; this course and CE 2410 may not both be taken for credit. (1 credit)
Grading Basis: Graded

CE 3110: Mechanics of Materials

Course content covers simple and combined stress, torsion, flexure and deflection of beams, continuous and restrained beams, combined axial and bending loads, as well as, columns.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: CE 2110; enrollment in School of Engineering. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

CE 3610: Basic Structural Analysis

Course content covers analysis of statistically determinate structures, and influence lines, as well as, deflection of trusses, beams, and frames, and provides an introduction to indeterminate analysis using consistent deformation and moment distribution. Curriculum includes computer programming components.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: CE 3110, which may be taken concurrently; enrollment in the School of Engineering. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)

ECE 2000: Electrical & Computer Engineering Principles

Course content covers basic concepts of circuit analysis as applied to electronic circuits and electromechanical devices, including measuring instruments.

Note: This course is intended for non-ECE majors.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: PHYS 1402 or 1502 or 1230 or 1530, which may be taken concurrently.
Recommended Preparation: MATH 2410Q.This course and ECE 2608 or ECE 2001W may not both be taken for credit.

Grading Basis: Graded

ECE 2001: Electrical Circuits

Course content includes analysis of electrical networks incorporating passive and active elements, basic laws and techniques of analysis, ransient and forced response of linear circuits, AC steady state power, three-phase circuits, periodic excitation and frequency response, and computer analysis tools.

This course provides opportunity to implement and test design projects in the laboratory; laboratory reports are required for each project.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 2410Q or 2143Q and either PHYS 1402Q or 1502Q or 1602Q or 1230 or 1530, both of which may be taken concurrently. Not open for credit to students who have passed ECE 2000.
Grading Basis: Graded

ECE 3101: Signals and Systems

Course content explores representation of signals in the time and frequency domains, Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transform methods for analysis of linear systems, introduction to state space models, as well as,  sampling and discrete systems analysis via z-transforms.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: ECE 2000 or 2001W; open only to students in the School of Engineering.
Recommended Preparation: ECE 1401. (3 credits)

Grading Basis: Graded

ECE 3111: Systems Analysis and Design

Modeling, analysis and design of control systems using frequency and time-domain methods. Differential equation, Transfer function, signal flow graph and state variable representations of continuous and discrete-time systems. Linearization of nonlinear systems. Transient and frequency response of second order systems. Stability of linear systems with feedback; Routh Hurwitz, Root locus, Bode and Nyquist methods. Controllability and observability. Computational methods for analysis of linear systems. Team-based design projects involving modeling, classical compensator design and state variable feedback design.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: ECE 3101; MATH 2210, which may be taken concurrently. Open only to students in the School of Engineering. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

ECE 3201: Electronic Circuit Design and Analysis

This course focuses on physical electronics and their underlying operation of electronic devices, including:

  • Diodes, diode models, and diode circuits.
  • Transistors, transistor models, and transistor circuits.
  • DC, small signal, and frequency analysis of transistor amplifiers.
  • Compound transistor configurations.
  • Computer analysis tools. 

Curriculum includes construction of diode and transistor circuits and their testing in a laboratory environment.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: ECE 2001; open only to students in the School of Engineering. This course and ECE 3608 or ECE 3609 may not both be taken for credit. (4 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

Environmental Engineering (ENVE)

ENVE 2310: Environmental Engineering Fundamentals

Curriculum covers concepts from aqueous chemistry, biology, and physics applied in a quantitative manner to environmental problems and solutions. Course components include content concerning mass and energy balances, chemical reaction engineering, quantitative and fundamental description of water and air pollution problems, as well as, environmental regulations and policy, pollution prevention, and risk assessment. 

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: CHEM 1128 or 1148. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

ENVE 3120: Fluid Mechanics

Statics of fluids, analysis of fluid flow using principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation from a differential and control volume approach. Dimensional analysis. Application to pipe flow and open channel flow. Laboratory activities and written lab reports.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: CE 2110; MATH 2110 and 2410; open only to students in the School of Engineering. Recommended preparation: CE 2120. Not open for credit to students who have passed ME 3250. (4 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

Mechanical Engineering (ME)

ME 3242: Heat Transfer

This course focuses on the:

  • Fundamentals of conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer.
  • Application of the general laws of heat transfer, and heat exchange to a wide variety of practical problems.
  • Analytical, numerical, and graphical solution of one, two, and three dimensional problems.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: ME 2233 and 3250. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

ME 3250: Fluid Dynamics I

The course curriculum covers the laws of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy in fluid systems, fluid statics, dimensional analysis, incompressible, inviscid and viscous flows, steady and unsteady flows, internal and external flows.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: ME 2233; MATH 2110 and 2410. Cannot be taken for credit after passing ME 240, 245, 263, 3242, 3251, 3276, 4972; CE 3120; or ENVE 3100. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

ME 3255: Computational Mechanics

Topics include elementary numerical analysis, finite differences, initial value problems, ordinary and partial differential equations and finite element techniques. Applications include structural analysis, heat transfer, and fluid flow.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: MATH 2410 and CE 3110. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded

ME 3295: Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering

This is a classroom course on special topics as announced. With a change in topic, may be repeated for credit.

3.00 credits
Prerequisites: Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary. (3 credits)
Grading Basis: Graded